
WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST 5 = h/3 - 17 h = ?(h/3 is a fraction)

Accepted Solution

Answer:h = 66Step-by-step explanation:We are given the equation of one variable h and we have to solve the equation for h. The equation is given by [tex]5 = \frac{h}{3} - 17[/tex] β‡’ [tex]5 + 17 = \frac{h}{3}[/tex] {Adding 17 to both sides} β‡’ [tex]22 = \frac{h}{3}[/tex] β‡’ h = 22 Γ— 3 {Since we know that if [tex]\frac{a}{b} = c[/tex] then we can write [tex]a = bc[/tex]} β‡’ h = 66 (Answer)