
I talk to an average of 8 customers per hour during an 8 hour shift and need to increase the amount of customers i help by 20%, how many customers do i need to help every hour to achieve this

Accepted Solution

Answer:The number of customer needed to achieve is 34 Step-by-step explanation:Given as :The number of customer per hour = 8The time taken = 8 hoursThe rate of increase = 20 %Let The increase in number of customer after 20 % increment = xSo ,  The number of customer after n hours = initial number × [tex](1+\dfrac{\textrm rate}{100})^{n}[/tex]or, The number of customer after 8 hours = 8 ×  [tex](1+\dfrac{\textrm 20}{100})^{8}[/tex]or, The number of customer after 8 hours = 8 × 4.2998∴The number of customer after 8 hours = 34.39 ≈ 34 Hence The number of customer needed to achieve is 34  answer