
A standard deck of 52 playing cards contains four of each numbered card 2–10 and four each of aces, kings, queens, andjacks. Two cards are chosen from the deck at random.Which expression represents the probability of drawing a king and a queen?522669)522GP,3GP)522(CGC)522

Accepted Solution

Answer:A standard deck of 52 playing cards contains four of each numbered card 2–10 and four each of aces, kings, queens, and jacks. Two cards are chosen from the deck at random. Which expression represents the probability of drawing a king and a queen? StartFraction (4 P 1) (3 P 1) Over 52 P 2 EndFraction StartFraction (4 C 1) (3 C 1) Over 52 C 2 EndFraction StartFraction (4 P 1) (4 P 1) Over 52 P 2 EndFraction StartFraction (4 C 1) (4 C 1) Over 52 C 2 EndFractionit is DStep-by-step explanation: